Key Editor Info Line

The Key Editor info line shows values and properties of the selected events.

Info Line for Selected Note Events

  • To show the info line for note events, select the events with the Object Selection tool, click Set up Window Layout on the toolbar, and activate Info Line.

  • Note

    If several notes are selected, the values for the first note are displayed in color.

The values for Start, End, and Length are displayed in the selected ruler display format.

The values for Velocity and Off Velocity can be displayed in high resolution. In the Preferences dialog (Editing—MIDI page), set up the High Resolution Display Range and the High Resolution Decimal Count.


The on/off status of the info line in the Key Editor window and on the Editor tab in the lower zone of the Project window are independent of each other.

Info Line for Selected Ranges

  • To show the info line for a selected range, select a range with the Range Selection tool, click Set up Window Layout on the toolbar, and activate Info Line.


The on/off status of the info line in the Key Editor window and in the Editor tab in the lower zone of the Project window are independent of each other.