Channel Settings Toolbar

The toolbar in the Channel Settings window contains tools and shortcuts for settings and functions in the Channel Settings window.

Channel Navigation

Go to Last Edited Channel

Shows the channel that you last edited in the Channel Settings window. This is only available if you have edited at least 2 channels.

Go to Next Edited Channel

Shows the next channel in the Channel Settings window. This is only available if you have edited at least 2 channels.

Go to Previous MixConsole Channel

Shows the previous MixConsole channel in the Channel Settings window.

Go to Next MixConsole Channel

Shows the next MixConsole channel in the Channel Settings window.

Search Channels

Allows you to search for specific channels and to display them in the Channel Settings window.

Left Divider

Left Divider

Tools that are placed to the left of the divider are always shown.

Channel Sources


Opens the name of the input channel.

Go to Input/Select an Input

Shows the input channel in the Channel Settings window.

Channel Name

Channel Name

Shows the name of the channel that is shown in the Channel Settings window.

Channel Destinations

Go to Output/Select an Output

Opens the output channel in the Channel Settings window.


Shows the name of the output channel.

Edit Instrument

Edit VST Instrument

Allows you to open the VST instrument control panel. This is available for MIDI and instrument channels only.

Output Chain

Show Output Chain

Shows the output chain. This allows you to keep track of more complicated output routings.

Track Templates

Load/Save Track Preset

Allows you to load/save track presets.

Reload Track Preset

Allows you to reload track presets.

Channel Functions

Functions Menu

Opens a pop-up menu where you can select a Channel Settings function.

Window Zone Controls

Set up Window Layout

Allows you to set up the window layout.