Undoing/Redoing MixConsole Parameter Changes

You can undo/redo MixConsole parameter changes and experiment with different MixConsole settings.


MixConsole parameters that change due to read automation actions are not part of the MixConsole history.

To undo/redo a MixConsole parameter, do one of the following:

  • On the MixConsole toolbar in the MixConsole window or in the lower zone of the Project window, click Undo or Redo.

  • Press Alt/Opt-Z to undo MixConsole parameter changes or press Alt/Opt-Shift-Z to redo parameter changes.

The following MixConsole parameter changes can be undone/redone:

  • Volume changes

  • Panorama changes

  • Changes on the Routing section

  • Filter, gain, and phase changes in the Pre section

  • Plug-in changes in the Inserts section

  • EQ changes

  • Changes on the Channel Strip section

  • Changes on the Sends section

  • Changes on the Cue Sends section

  • Changes on the Direct Routing section


The MixConsole history is not saved with the project.