Track Height Presets Menu

The Track Height Presets menu allows you to set the number of tracks and the track height in the Project window.

  • To open the Track Height Presets menu in the lower right of the Project window, click the arrow button above the vertical zoom control.

The following options are available:

Zoom Tracks 1 Row

Zooms all tracks to a height of 1 row.

Zoom Tracks 2 Rows

Zooms all tracks to a height of 2 rows.

Zoom Tracks 3 Rows

Zooms all tracks to a height of 3 rows.

Zoom Tracks 4 Rows

Zooms all tracks to a height of 4 rows.

Zoom Tracks N Rows

Opens a dialog where you can define a custom number of rows.

Zoom Tracks Full

Zooms all tracks to fit in the active Project window.

Zoom 4 Tracks

Zooms in on the selected and 3 adjacent tracks.

Zoom 8 Tracks

Zooms in on the selected and 7 adjacent tracks.

Zoom N Tracks

Opens a dialog where you can define a custom number of tracks.

Zoom Tracks Minimal

Zooms all track heights to the minimum size.

Snap Track Heights

Changes the track height in fixed increments when you resize it.