This is a classic flanger effect with added stereo enhancement.

- Delay
Affects the frequency range of the modulation sweep by adjusting the initial delay time.
- Feedback
Determines the character of the flanger effect. Higher settings produce a more metallic-sounding sweep.
- Mode
Allows you to toggle between LFO and Manual mode.
In LFO mode, you can define the sweep rate or sync it to the project tempo. In Manual mode, you can change the sweep manually.
- Rate
If Tempo Sync is activated, Rate allows you to specify the base note value for synchronizing the flanger sweep to the tempo of the host application (1/1 to 1/32, straight, triplet, or dotted).
If Tempo Sync is deactivated, the sweep rate can be set freely with the Rate dial.
- Sync
Activates/Deactivates tempo sync.
- Spatial
Sets the stereo width of the effect. Turn clockwise for a wider stereo effect.
- Mix
Sets the level balance between the dry signal and the wet signal. If the effect is used as a send effect, set this parameter to the maximum value, as you can control the dry/effect balance with the send level.
- Lo Range/Hi Range
Set the frequency boundaries for the flanger sweep.
- Waveform Shape
Allows you to select the modulation waveform, altering the character of the flanger sweep. A sine and a triangle waveform are available.
- Lo Filter/Hi Filter
Allow you to roll off low and high frequencies of the effect signal.
This plug-in supports external side-chaining. You can use the side-chain input to control the modulation from another signal source. If the side-chain signal exceeds the threshold, the modulation is controlled by the side-chain signal’s envelope. For a description of how to set up side-chain routing, see the Operation Manual.