Project window in Setup mode
The project window in Setup mode contains the default toolbar, the music area, and the status bar. It provides panels with all the tools and functions that allow you to add players and instruments as well as to create layouts and flows for your project.
You can switch to Setup mode in any of the following ways:
Press Ctrl/Cmd-1.
Click Setup in the toolbar.

The following panels are available in Setup mode:
Lists the players, instruments, and groups in your project. By default, players are assigned to all flows, all full score layouts, and their own part layout.
Lists the layouts in your project. A single full score layout and a part layout for each player are created automatically, but you can create and delete layouts as required. By default, layouts contain all flows and full score layouts contain all players.
Shows the flows in your project, ordered left to right. By default, flows contain all players and are assigned to all layouts.
The three panels work together to allow you to control how and where the players, layouts, and flows in your project are used. When you select an item in one of the panels, that panel and the selected item are highlighted in a different color and checkboxes appear in cards in the other panels. You can activate/deactivate these checkboxes independently to change how material is distributed across players, layouts, and flows.