New features
New Features in Version 3.5.10
When importing tempo tracks, you can now choose to import into a new flow instead of an existing flow. See Importing tempo tracks.
The figured bass popover now accepts and interprets more entries, including double and triple accidentals and the overall and suspension durations of figured bass figures. See Figured bass popover.
You can now align individual text objects with the start of systems. See Aligning text objects with the start of systems.
There is a new Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog that allows you to rename and delete custom endpoint configurations. It also displays the plug-ins and players contained in each endpoint configuration. See Edit Endpoint Configurations dialog.
You can now override individual playback options in each expression map independently. See Expression Maps dialog.
You can now show post-bends, including microtonal post-bends, on notes belonging to fretted instruments. See Guitar post-bends.
New Features in Version 3.5.0
New options have been added to the top of the Properties panel, allowing you to search and filter properties, making it easier to find properties for items with many possible groups. See Properties panel (Write mode).
You can now change the property scope for local properties, allowing you to specify in advance that you want subsequent changes to affect all layouts and frame chains. See Changing the property scope.
You can now input notes by selecting or playing the pitch first and only inputting the note once you select the duration afterwards. See Inputting notes using pitch before duration.
Alongside pitch before duration input, you can change whether any rhythm dots, accidentals, and articulations you select apply to the last input note or the next note you input. See Changing the note-based notation input setting.
You can now change staff visibility manually from system/frame breaks, including showing individual empty staves or hiding individual non-empty staves. See Hiding/Showing staves from system/frame breaks.
You can now automatically fill pages after the final flow in layouts with blank staves, including filling the width of the final system with blank staves when the final system is not fully horizontally justified. This is a convention used by some copyists when preparing parts for recording sessions. See Hiding/Showing blank staves after final flows.
A number of new options have been added to the Expression Maps dialog, allowing you to create new and edit existing expression maps more easily and with better results in playback. See Expression Maps dialog.
You can now automatically show a grid above the start of each flow that contains all chord diagrams used in the flow, including different voicings of the same chord. See Hiding/Showing used chord diagrams grids.
Dorico Elements now offers comprehensive support for figured bass, including allowing you to input figures using numbers or chord symbols, from which Dorico Elements calculates the figures required. See Figured bass.
Guitar bends, releases, and vibrato bar dives and returns with bend intervals of up to a whole step (tone) are now reflected in playback as smooth adjustments in pitch. See Guitar bends.
Dorico Elements now supports a variety of techniques typically found in music for guitars, such as microtonal post-bends in Blues music and vibrato bar dives and scoops. These techniques can be shown on both notation staves and tablature. See Guitar techniques.
More New Features
You can now change the page color according to the layout type, such as having a different color for pages in part layouts than in full score layouts. See Changing the page color.
You can now change the background color of the music area. See Changing the background color.
Text playing techniques, such as pizz. and arco, are now included when importing MusicXML files. Additionally, Dorico Elements now identifies text-based objects, such as tempo marks, more reliably. See Importing MusicXML files.
Non-default noteheads, absolute and gradual tempo marks, a wider range of time signatures, percussion instruments and kits, and more dynamics than previously, including messa di voce hairpins with specific line styles, are all now included when exporting projects to MusicXML. See Exporting MusicXML files.
You can temporarily hide, in any mode, all visible elements that do not print. See Hiding non-printing elements.
You can now hide individual text objects, either in the current layout and frame chain only or in all layouts and frame chains. This allows you, for example, to show text objects in part layouts without showing them in the full score as well. See Hiding/Showing text objects.
You can now change the placement of individual articulations of duration relative to slur endpoints. See Changing the placement of articulations relative to slurs.
The default appearance, position, and shape of slurs in various contexts has been improved, such as when they cross system/frame breaks or join notes with different stem directions. See Slurs over system and frame breaks, Slur endpoint positions, and Slur collision avoidance.
You can now change the octave transposition of individual clefs, for example, to accommodate different horn and bass clarinet transposition conventions. See Changing the octave of clefs.
Last but Not Least
You can now enter calculations into numeric value fields to change values, such as doubling or halving the existing values. See Changing values in numeric value fields.
Any custom fretted instrument tunings in your project are now available when showing chord diagrams above staves and in used chord diagrams grids. See Hiding/Showing chord diagrams.
You can now change whether or not to move breath marks vertically according to the pitches of adjacent notes, such as positioning breath marks higher above the staff when they are between high notes so they are easier to see. See Positions of holds and pauses.
Jazz articulations now play back, provided your sound library includes the corresponding samples. See Jazz articulations.
You can now optionally show rehearsal marks below the bottom staff in systems in addition to their other system object positions. See Changing the positions of system objects.