When you start Dorico Pro, the Hub opens. The Hub keeps you up-to-date with the latest Dorico information and tutorials, and assists you with organizing your projects.
The Hub contains the following:
Recent Projects
Allows you quick access to the projects that you worked on last. Selecting Recent Projects shows them in the list. You can scroll through the list using either a mouse/touchpad or the Up Arrow/Down Arrow keys.
Project template categories
Allows you quick access to a suitable project template in the available categories. Selecting a category shows the possible templates in that category in the list.
New Empty Project
Starts a new project with no players or flows.
Displays either recent projects or project templates, depending on your selection on the left of the dialog.
Open Other
Allows you to search for and open any other project file in the File Explorer/macOS Finder.
New from Template (project template selected)
Creates a new project using the selected project template. This option is only available if you have selected a project template.
Open Selected Project (recent project selected)
Opens the recent project file that you selected in the list.
User Forum
Links you to the user forum on the Steinberg website.
Links you to the downloads page on the Steinberg website, where you can find relevant update installers and a link to the documentation.
Displays recent Dorico news from the Dorico blog. Double-clicking a news item, or selecting it and clicking Read More, opens it in a web browser.
Video Tutorials
Displays recent Dorico video tutorials. Double-clicking a video tutorial, or selecting it and clicking Watch Now, opens it in a web browser.
More Videos
Links you directly to the Dorico YouTube channel, where you can find tutorial videos and information about new features.