Closing tabs

You can close individual tabs of layouts that you no longer need, and you can close multiple tabs at the same time.


  • Close tabs in any of the following ways:
    • Select the tab you want to close and press Ctrl/Cmd-W.

    • Hover over the tab you want to close and click x.

    • Right-click the single tab you want to close and choose Close Tab from the context menu.

    • Right-click the tab you do not want to close and choose Close Other Tabs from the context menu.


    You cannot close the last tab in a window. If only one tab is open and you no longer want to see the tabs, deactivate Show Tabs in the main toolbar. The tab is no longer displayed, but the corresponding layout is still shown.


If you selected a single tab and closed it, the selected tab and its corresponding layout are closed.

If you selected a single tab and closed other tabs, all open tabs except for the selected tab are closed.