Step Flanger
The Step Flanger expands the Flanger with a “sample and hold” section that divides the modulation signal into a definable number of steps.

- Rate
Allows you to specify the frequency of the pitch modulation in Hertz.
- Sync
Allows you to set the Rate value in fractions of beats.
- Depth
Sets the intensity of the pitch modulation.
- Phase
Widens the sound image of the effect from mono to stereo. This parameter also changes the characteristics of the Cross FB parameter.
- Shape
Adjusts the characteristics of the modulation. This is particularly noticeable when Feedback is activated. With a setting of 0%, the sound sweeps linearly up and down. With a setting of 100%, the sound sweeps exponentially up and down.
- Mix
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.
- Feedback
Adds resonances to the effect. This allows for jet-like sweeps of the sound.
- Cross FB
Mixes the feedback of the left channel with the right channel, and vice versa. The effect of this parameter is influenced by the Phase parameter.
NoteThis parameter only takes effect if the Feedback parameter is set to a value above 0%.
- Tone
Adjusts the tone color of the feedback. At lower values, the feedback is less bright.
- Type
Defines the length of the delay line that is modulated. Short produces a sharper flanger effect, and Long produces a less defined, more blurred flanger sound.
- S&H Mix
Blends the normal modulation signal with the stepped modulation signal. At 100%, only the stepped modulation is used.
- Smooth
Creates ramps between the steps. This way, the stepped modulation signal sounds smoother.
- Steps
Determines into how many steps the modulation signal is divided. You can use up to 32 steps.