Creating Note Repeat Phrases
With the phrase player in the lower section of the Note Repeat page, you can create complex note repeats phrases for a particular drum sound.

To use the phrase player, activate the Active button.
Activating Steps
A phrase can contain up to 32 steps. Only the steps that are activated are played.
To activate a step, click its On/Off button below the display.
To activate all steps, right-click in the step display, and select Enable All Steps from the context menu.
Setting the Velocity for the Steps
The height of a step represents its velocity value. You can edit the velocity of steps in the following way:
To adjust the velocity for a single step, click it and drag up or down.
To adjust the velocity of multiple steps, click and draw a curve.
To adjust the velocity of all steps relatively, Shift-click and drag.
To draw a ramp, hold down Alt/Opt and draw a line.
To draw symmetric ramps at the beginning and the end of the sequence, hold down Shift-Alt/Opt and draw a line.
To reset the velocity of a step to 127, Ctrl/Cmd-click the step.
To reset the velocity of all steps to 127, hold Shift-Ctrl/Cmd and click a step.
Adjusting the Phrase
To shift the rhythm of the phrase, use the Shift Phrase Right
/Shift Phrase Left
If you shift the rhythm of the phrase to the left, the first step is moved to the end. If you shift the phrase to the right, the last step is moved to the beginning.
To reverse the phrase, click the Reverse Phrase button.
To duplicate short phrases, click the Duplicate Phrase button.
NoteThe maximum number of steps is 32. Therefore, phrases that contain more than 16 steps cannot be duplicated entirely.
Phrase Presets
Groove Agent comes with a set of phrase presets.
To load a preset, click in the Phrase field and select a preset from the pop-up menu.
To create your own presets, use the preset controls to the right of the Phrase field.