AUX Mixer
The AUX mixer features four AUX busses that can be used to realize classic send effects.
Each bus hosts up to four insert effects, which allows you to set up complex effects. The busses can be routed to the Master output of the plug-in or to one of the individual outputs. Each kit slot has its own AUX mixer. This means that you can use different Reverb send effects for the different slots, for example. All settings of the AUX mixer are saved in kit presets.

- Output
On this pop-up menu, you can select one of the 16 available outputs for the AUX bus or you can route the signal to the Kit mixer.
- Level
Allows you to set the level of the AUX bus.
- Pan
Sets the position of the AUX bus in the stereo panorama.
- Mute
Mutes the AUX bus.
- Effect Slots
You can use the four slots on the right of each channel strip to add insert effects to the slot.