This effect emulates the sound of an amplifier with speakers.

There are different amplifiers and speaker models you can combine.
- Amp Model
Determines the type of amplifier. The sound character of the overdrive changes with the amplifier. To bypass the amplifier, select No Amp.
- Speaker Model
Determines the speaker model type. Each model colors the sound uniquely. To bypass the model, select No Speaker.
- Drive
Adjusts the amount of overdrive.
- Bass
Adjusts the tone color of the low frequencies.
- Middle
Adjusts the tone color of the mid frequencies.
- Treble
Adjusts the tone color of the high frequencies.
- Presence
Adds brightness to the sound.
- Low Damp
Attenuates the low frequencies of the speakers.
- High Damp
Attenuates the high frequencies of the speakers.
- Channel Mode
Defines which output channels of the amplifier deliver a distorted signal. You can set it to L (Left), R (Right) or L/R (Both). When set to L or R, the other channel provides a clean signal.
- Output
Controls the output level of the amplifier.