Tape Saturator
Tape Saturator simulates the behavior of classic tape recorders. These machines produced a specific saturation when recording higher input levels, which led to a compressed signal with light distortion.

- Mode
Here, you can choose between the effect of a single (One Stage) or two cascaded tape machines (Two Stage). Two Stage mode leads to higher saturation and compression.
- Oversampling
Activate this parameter to increase the accuracy of the effect by oversampling.
NoteIf this parameter is activated, the effect requires more processing power.
- Drive
Determines the level of the input signal and thus the amount of saturation.
- Auto Gain
Activate this option for an automatic level compensation.
- Low Filter
Here, you can adjust the low frequency range below 1000 Hz by +/- 3 dB.
- High Filter
Here, you can attenuate the high frequency range. This high-cut filter works with a slope of 24 dB/octave.
- Output
Determines the level of the output signal.