FX Page

Ring Modulator

- On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the ring modulator effect.
- LFO Freq
Sets the frequency of the LFO for modulating the frequency of the sine oscillator.
- LFO Depth
Sets the intensity of the LFO modulation of the sine oscillator frequency.
- Sine Freq
Sets the frequency of the sine oscillator.
- Mix
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.

- On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the Phaser effect.
- Rate
Sets the frequency of the phase modulation in Hertz.
- Depth
Sets the intensity of the phase modulation.
- Feedback
Adds resonances to the effect. Higher settings produce a more pronounced effect.
- Mix
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.

- On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the delay effect.
- Delay Mode
Stereo has two delays in parallel, one for the left and one for the right audio channel, each with a feedback path of its own.
Cross has two delay lines with cross feedback, where the delay of the left channel is fed back into the delay of the right channel, and vice versa.
Ping-Pong mixes the left and right input channels and sends the mixed signal to hard-panned left and right delays. This way, the echoes bounce like a ping-pong ball between left and right in the stereo panorama.
- Delay Time
Sets the overall time for the left and right delay in milliseconds.
- Feedback
Sets the overall amount of feedback for the left and right delay. Feedback means the output of the delay is fed back to its input. At a setting of 0 %, you hear only one echo. At a setting of 100 %, the echoes repeat endlessly.
- Mix
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.

- On/Off
Activates/Deactivates the Reverb effect.
- Reverb Type
Use this dial to switch between the available reverb types: Spring, Plate, and Hall.
- Time
Allows you to set the reverb time in seconds.
- Predelay
Controls how much time passes before the reverb is applied. This allows you to simulate larger spaces by increasing the time it takes for first reflections to reach the listener.
- Mix
Sets the ratio between the dry and the wet signal.