Node Editing
You can edit single nodes or multiple selected nodes.
To add a node, double-click on the envelope curve.
You can also add nodes by copying and pasting selected nodes.
When you press Ctrl/Cmd, the insert position is indicated by a line. With Sync to Host Tempo activated, this insert line is aligned to the note value grid.
NoteAn envelope can consist of up to 512 nodes. If more nodes are copied to the clipboard than can be pasted into the envelope, a warning indicator lights up.
To delete a node, double-click it, or click it with the Erase tool.
You cannot remove the first, the last, or the sustain node.
All nodes added after the sustain node affect the release phase of the envelope.
To delete several nodes, drag a selection rectangle around them with the Erase tool.
With Fixed Mode activated, the positions of the remaining nodes are not modified. The Time value of the node to the right of the deleted selection is automatically adjusted.
With Fixed Mode deactivated, the remaining nodes are moved to the left to fill the gap.
To change the curvature between two nodes, drag the curve segment up or down, or enter a new value in the Curve field.
Positive values change the curvature towards logarithmic, and negative values towards exponential behavior.
To reset a curve to linear, Ctrl/Cmd-click it.
To move a node, drag it sideways, or enter a new value in the Time field.
For a higher resolution, hold Shift while moving the nodes.
To limit the movement to the time axis, that is, to change only the horizontal position of a node, hold down Ctrl/Cmd while dragging.
To change the level of a node, drag it up or down, or enter a new value in the Level field.
For a higher resolution, hold Shift while moving the nodes.
To limit the movement to the level axis, that is, to change only the vertical position of a node, hold down Alt/Opt while dragging.
Replacing Node Selections
You can replace a selection of nodes with nodes copied to the clipboard or with one of the predefined shapes on the shape selector.
To replace multiple nodes with a predefined curve, select the nodes, and select the curve from the shape selector.
The shape is stretched/compressed to replace the exact time range of the selection.
To replace multiple nodes with a selection of nodes from the clipboard, select the nodes that you want to replace, open the context menu, and select Replace.
The copied nodes are stretched/compressed to replace the exact time range of the selection.
Multi Selection Editing with the Edit Tool
With multiple envelope nodes selected and with the Edit tool active, a multi-selection rectangle is shown in the envelope display. It has six handles that allow you to modify the selected nodes.
To compress the node levels, drag the right or left middle handle down.
To expand the node levels, drag the right or left middle handle up.
To tilt the left part of the node selection upwards or downwards, drag the upper left handle.
To use a shelving curve instead of a linear curve, press Ctrl/Cmd.
To tilt the right part of the node selection upwards or downwards, drag the upper right handle.
To use a shelving curve instead of a linear curve, press Ctrl/Cmd.
To scale the node levels, drag the upper middle handle.
To offset all nodes, press Shift. To use a bell curve instead of a linear curve, press Ctrl/Cmd.
To scale the overall time of the selected nodes relative to the start node, drag the lower right handle.
To scale the overall time of the selected nodes relative to the start node, drag the lower left handle.
To move the time position of all selected nodes, drag the lower middle handle to the left or right.
To move the nodes in smaller steps, press Shift.
To compress or expand the overall time of the selected nodes relative to the selection center, press Ctrl/Cmd, and drag the lower middle handle.
To change the level and position of all selected nodes, drag one of the nodes.