Note Expression MIDI Setup Dialog
The Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog allows you to specify exactly which MIDI messages are used every time you record MIDI control change messages as note expression data or you convert them.
To open the Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog, select .

The following options are available:
- Controller
Activates MIDI control change messages. Specify the MIDI control change messages that you want to use in the list below.
NoteMIDI controller data for deactivated MIDI control change messages will end up on the controller lane.
- Pitchbend
Activates pitchbend data.
- Aftertouch
Activates aftertouch data.
- Poly Pressure
Activates poly pressure data.
- Controller Catch Range
Allows you to enter a controller catch range in ticks. This is useful to associate control change messages with a note, even if they were sent slightly before the note-on message.
- Load Default
Allows you to load the default settings.
- Save as Default
Allows you to save the current settings as default settings.