Track Quick Controls
Nuendo allows you to set up 8 different track parameters or settings as Track Quick Controls for quick access.
Track Quick Controls are available for the following track types:
FX Channel
Group Channel
VCA Fader
For instrument tracks and for MIDI tracks for which you assigned a VST instrument on creation, that is, that you created by loading a rack instrument, Track Quick Controls are automatically assigned to the Quick Controls of the VST instrument.
For sampler tracks, Track Quick Controls are automatically assigned to the sound parameters of Sampler Control.
You can change the default assignment by assigning different track parameters or by loading a preset.
Assigning parameters to Quick Controls is done in the Inspector or the MixConsole.

Quick Controls assignments are saved with the project.
You can assign Track Quick Controls to an external remote control device. For this to work, you must connect Track Quick Controls with your remote controller.
You can automate parameter settings in the Quick Controls section using the Read/Write buttons (R and W).