ReConform Workflow

The ReConform function automates most of the typical workflow that includes comparing old and new EDLs as well as applying the EDL changes correctly to the Nuendo project.

The workflow includes the following steps:

  • You import and compare different versions of EDLs. This creates a new EDL that contains the differences between your current project and how it is supposed to be to match the new video. This EDL is called Change EDL.


    If available, you can directly import a Change EDL.

  • You manually check and validate the entries in the Change EDL and make corrections where necessary.

    You can use the preview functions to see the result of the ReConform process for single entries in the ReConform dialog and in the Project window. The preview does not affect the original audio or video material.

  • When you have made all changes to the Change EDL, you start the ReConform process which applies the changes to the project.