Undoing/Redoing MixConsole Parameter Changes
You can undo/redo MixConsole parameter changes and experiment with different MixConsole settings.
MixConsole parameters that change due to read automation actions are not part of the MixConsole history.
To undo/redo a MixConsole parameter, do one of the following:
On the MixConsole toolbar in the MixConsole window or in the lower zone of the Project window, click Undo
or Redo
Press Alt-Z to undo MixConsole parameter changes or press Alt-Shift-Z to redo parameter changes.
The following MixConsole parameter changes can be undone/redone:
Volume changes
Panorama changes
Changes on the Routing rack
Filter, gain, and phase changes in the Pre rack
Plug-in changes in the Inserts rack
EQ changes
Changes on the Channel Strip rack
Changes on the Sends rack
Changes on the Cue Sends rack
Changes on the Direct Routing rack
The MixConsole history is not saved with the project.