Restricting the ReConform Range

You can exempt project material from the ReConform process.

About This Task

Usually, the ReConform function is applied to an entire Nuendo project. In this case, the used EDLs lead to a restructuring of all material that is available. However, if the project contains more than one episode, you may want the new EDL to restructure only the episode that contains changes instead of the entire project. To avoid that the rest of the project data is changed or overwritten, use the Restrict ReConform Range option in the ReConform Settings pane.


  1. In the ReConform Settings pane, activate Restrict ReConform Range.
  2. Enter the range that you want to preserve.
    • In the Preserve Material Before field, enter the timecode before which the project data may not be changed.

    • In the Preserve Material After field, enter the timecode after which the project data may not be changed.