This plug-in gates audio signals. The gate is triggered by MIDI notes.

Gating, in its fundamental form, silences audio signals below a set threshold. If a signal rises above the set level, the gate opens to let the signal through. Signals below the set level are silenced. MIDI Gate, however, is not triggered by threshold levels, but MIDI notes. Therefore, it needs both audio and MIDI data to function.
- Attack (0 to 500 ms)
Sets the time after which the gate opens when it is triggered.
- Hold
Determines how long the gate remains open after a note-on or note-off message. The Hold Mode settings are taken into account.
- Release (0 to 3000 ms)
Sets the time after which the gate closes after the set Hold time.
- Note To Attack
Determines to which extent the velocity values of the MIDI notes affect the attack time. The higher the value, the more the attack time increases with high note velocities. Negative values result in shorter attack times with high velocities. If you do not want to use this parameter, set it to 0.
- Note To Release
Determines to which extent the velocity values of the MIDI notes affect the release time. The higher the value, the more the release time increases. If you do not want to use this parameter, set it to 0.
- Velocity To VCA
Controls to which extent the velocity values of the MIDI notes determine the output volume. At a value of 127, the volume is controlled entirely by the velocity values, and at a value of 0, the velocities have no effect on the volume.
- Hold Mode
Sets the Hold Mode.
In Note On mode, the gate only remains open for the time set with the Hold and Release parameters, regardless of the length of the MIDI note that triggered the gate.
In Note Off mode, the gate remains open for as long as the MIDI note plays. The Hold and Release parameters are applied once a note-off signal has been received.