Publish Tab

The Publish tab allows you to select the host service to which you want to upload your Podcast episode. You can select different host services and select the encoder for the audio file that you want to upload.

  • To open the Publish tab, select the File tab and select Podcast > Publish.

Host Service

Allows you to select the host service to which you want to upload your Podcast episode.


Allows you to allow WaveLab Cast to access the selected host service.

If you click Authorize, your default Internet browser opens the authorization website of the selected host service.

  • Encode Audio File allows you to encode the audio file to another audio file format.


    If you have selected an MP3 file for upload, the Encode Audio File option is deactivated. However, if you add effects to the MP3 file via the Master Section, the Encode Audio File option is available.

  • Podcast allows you to select the Podcast to which you want to add the Podcast episode.

  • Refresh Available Podcasts allows you to refresh the Podcast list that is retrieved from your Spreaker account.

  • Title allows you to enter a title for the Podcast episode.


Allows you to upload the audio file to the selected host service.