Peaks Tab (Global Analysis)

The Peaks tab allows you to apply settings that help you to find digital peak values in your audio material; that is, single samples with very high values.
  • In the Global Analysis dialog, select the Peaks tab.

Find Peaks

Enables the peak analysis.

Digital Peak/True Peak

Displays the highest peak in the analyzed section. When you click this value, the number of peaks that are detected in the selection is shown in the Number of Points section in the lower left corner of the dialog. You can use the hot points to move the cursor between the peaks.

At Cursor

Displays the level at the current audio file cursor position at the time of the analysis.

Maximum Number of Peaks to Report

Restricts the number of reported peaks. For example, setting this to 1 reports only the highest peak.

Minimum Time between 2 Peaks

Controls the distance between peaks, so that they do not appear too close to each other. For example, setting this to 1 s ensures that two reported peaks are at least one second apart from each other.

Results of the Analysis

The Find Peaks fields show the highest peak in the analyzed section and the level of the sample at the cursor position at the time of the analysis.