Metadata consists of attributes that describe the audio contents; for example, the titles of an album, the author, or the recording date of a title. The availability of the data varies, depending on the file format of the selected audio file.
When opening an audio file or audio montage, the metadata found in the file is loaded. You can create different metadata presets for audio files and audio montages.
A preview of the metadata is displayed in the Metadata window. To view the complete metadata of a file and to be able to edit the metadata, open the Metadata dialog.
Not all file formats can save metadata. Depending on the output file format, all metadata or only part of the metadata is saved in an audio file. The following file formats can contain metadata:
For MP3, the following metadata types are available:
ID3v1 and ID3v2, including picture support
MP4 is not ID3v2-compatible. However, in WaveLab Cast, it uses the same editor.
The metadata codes that are followed by an “(i)” indicate the iTunes-compatible fields. Lyrics and pictures are also iTunes-compatible.
For WAV, the following metadata types are available:
ID3, including picture support
When saving or recording an audio file in the Audio File Format dialog, you can choose not to use any metadata, to inherit the metadata from the source file, or to edit the metadata of the file.

Metadata can be entered manually or generated automatically.
The following options can be generated automatically:
Unique Source Identifier (USID)
You can activate USID on the Basics tab of the BWF tab.
WaveLab Cast includes several metadata presets. They are used as examples and can be customized to your needs. You can load metadata presets from the Metadata Presets pop-up menu in the Audio File Format dialog or from the Metadata dialog.