Preventing Plug-ins from Being Opened

You can prevent WaveLab Cast from opening individual plug-ins, entire plug-in folders, or VST 2 plug-ins.


  1. Select File > Preferences > Plug-ins.
  2. Choose from the following options:
    • To prevent WaveLab Cast from opening VST 2 plug-ins, activate Ignore VST 2 Plug-ins.

    • To prevent WaveLab Cast from opening plug-ins in specific folders, indicate the folder names in the Ignore Plug-ins Located in the following Subfolders (Separate Folder Names with a Semicolon) section.

    • To exclude individual plug-ins, type the name of the plug- in into the Do Not Load the Following Plug-ins section:

      Enter the exact file name, without path and file extension.

      Enter one name per line.

      If you put “*” in front of the name, any plug-in that contains the name is ignored.