Setting Up Effects

You can select and apply the effect plug-ins that you have installed via the Effects pane of the Master Section. provided that their formats are supported by WaveLab Cast.

  • To insert an effect plug-in into a slot in the Effects pane, click the slot, and select an effect from the pop-up menu. Once you have selected an effect, it is automatically activated, and its control panel opens.


    You can search for a particular plug-in by typing part of its name into the Search field. The Down Arrow and Up Arrow keys allow you to navigate in the list that shows the matches. To select a plug-in, press Return. With the focus on the plug-in list, press Tab to set the focus back to the Search field.

  • To deactivate an effect, right-click the slot, and deselect Active in the menu. To activate the effect, select Active again.

  • To remove an effect plug-in, right-click the slot, and select Remove Plug-in in the menu.

  • To show/hide a plug-in window, click the effect slot.

  • To solo an effect, click its Solo (Bypass) button. This allows you to exclusively check the sound of this particular effect. You can also bypass effects via their control panels.

  • To change the order of the slots, that is, the order in which the signal passes through the effects, click a slot, and drag it to a new position.