History Window in the Audio Editor

The History window in the Audio Editor shows all versions of the audio file that you are working on. You can undo and redo operations, and restore previous versions.


The initial version is at the top of the list.

The most recent version is at the bottom of the list.

  • To open the History window, select Tool Windows > History.

History List

In the history list, the following columns are available:


Shows the type of operation that created the corresponding version.


Shows the time of the operation.


Allows you to add a descriptive text to a version.

Functions Menu

The following options are available via the Functions menu:


Undoes/Redoes the last operation. You can use undo/redo even after saving.

Restore Selected Version

Restores the selected version.

Open Selected Version in New Tab

Opens the selected version in a new tab.

Delete Selected Version

Deletes the selected version from the history.

Clear History

Clears the history. This frees up memory, hard disk space, and any involved audio files. If you clear the history, you cannot undo any previous operations.

Keep Undone Versions

By default, if you revert to a previous version, all versions that were created after the selected version are deleted. To keep all versions, activate Keep Undone Versions.