Process Tab

The Process tab gives you access to the offline processing tools.

  • In the Audio Editor, click Process.



Opens the Gain dialog, where you can apply a gain to change the level of an audio file.


Opens the Envelope dialog, where you can create a level envelope which can be applied to a selected range or an entire audio file.

This is useful if you want to even out loud and quiet parts or create a sophisticated fade in/fade out, for example.

Remove DC Offset

DC offset in a file affects the loudness. Remove DC Offset sets the DC offset to zero.



Opens the Level Normalizer dialog, where you can change the peak level of an audio file.


Opens the Loudness Normalizer dialog, where you can specify the loudness of a file.

Time & Pitch

Time Stretching

Opens the Time Stretching dialog, where you can change the duration of an audio selection.

Pitch Shifting

Opens the Pitch Shifting dialog, where can change the pitch of your audio.

Pitch Bend

Opens the Pitch Bend dialog, where you can gradually change the pitch of your audio using an envelope curve.


Opens the Sample Rate dialog, where you can change the sample rate of your audio.


Creates a backwards-tape effect.

Invert Phase

Inverts the phase; that is, turns the audio signal upside down.


In the Correction section, you can choose from the following error correction methods:

  • Short Resynthesis is best suited for minor errors in your audio. WaveLab Elements analyzes the immediate surroundings of the error to find the most appropriate method of correction.

  • Smooth Pencil Line is particularly suited for tiny clicks in your audio. This method corresponds to drawing an accurate line with a soft pencil. It replaces the corrupted sample with the pencil line.



Opens the Loop Tweaker dialog, where you can adjust the loop start and end points, and crossfade the loop boundaries.

Tone Uniformizer

Opens the Loop Tone Uniformizer dialog, where you can create loops from sounds that are not optimal for looping.


Global Analysis

Opens the Global Analysis dialog, where you can analyze peaks, loudness, pitch, DC offset, and errors in the audio file.


Swap Stereo Channels

Moves the audio from the left channel to the right channel, and vice versa.