Remote Devices Tab

This tab allows you to select a Steinberg device to remote-control WaveLab Elements, and to see the control map of MIDI control devices.
  • To open the Remote Devices tab, select File > Preferences > Remote Devices.

Device Editing Tab

This tab allows you to select a MIDI control device and to see the control map.


Activates the selected device and scans the MIDI ports.


Selects the MIDI input/output ports of the device that you want to use.


Allows you to enter a map name.


Expands/collapses the folder tree of the control map.

WaveLab Elements Action List

This folder tree lists the parameters that you can remote-control. The top folder represents contexts. The related parameters can only be controlled if the context, such as an audio file, is active.

A remote control can be used in several contexts, provided that these are exclusive; for example, parameters that can be used for an active audio file or an active audio montage.

The Global folder contains the parameters that can be controlled at all times.

Options Tab

Emulate Mouse Wheel

If this option is activated, the AI knob of Steinberg controllers acts as a mouse wheel on the WaveLab Elements user interface, except for plug-ins.

Edit Focused Numeric Field

If this option is activated, you can use the AI knob Steinberg controllers to edit the focused numeric field that you can find in many WaveLab Elements windows and dialogs.