Process Tab

- Gain
Opens the Gain dialog where you can apply a gain to change the level of an audio file.
- Envelope
Opens the Envelope dialog where you can create a level envelope which can be applied to a selected range or an entire audio file.
This is useful if you want to even out loud and quiet parts or create a sophisticated fade in/fade out, for example.
- Remove DC Offset
DC offset in a file affects the loudness. Remove DC Offset sets the DC offset to zero.
- Level
Opens the Level Normalizer dialog where you can change the peak level of an audio file.
- Loudness
Opens the Loudness Normalizer dialog where you can specify the loudness of a file.
- Pan
Opens the Pan Normalizer dialog which allows you to ensure that both channels of a stereo file have the same level or loudness, and helps you to get the best possible stereo balance.
- Fade In/Fade Out
Allows you to apply a fade in or fade out. Right-click the button to open the Curve pop-up menu.
- Curve
Allows you to select preset fade curves.
Linear changes the level linearly.
Sinus (*) changes the level according to a sine curve. When used in a crossfade, the loudness (RMS) remains constant during the transition.
Square-Root (*) changes the level according to a square-root curve. When used in a crossfade, the loudness (RMS) remains constant during the transition.
Sinusoid changes the level according to a sine curve.
Logarithmic changes the level according to a logarithmic curve.
Exponential changes the level according to an exponential curve.
Exponential+ changes the level according to a more pronounced exponential curve.
Time & Pitch
- Time Stretching
Opens the Time Stretching dialog where you can change the duration of an audio selection.
- Pitch Shifting
Opens the Pitch Shifting dialog where can change the pitch of your audio.
- Resample
Opens the Sample Rate dialog where you can change the sample rate of your audio.
- Pitch Bend
Opens the Pitch Bend dialog where you can gradually change the pitch of your audio using an envelope curve.
- Pitch Quantizing
Opens the Pitch Quantizing dialog where you can automatically detect and correct the pitch of your audio. The input signal is quantized to discrete notes.
- Reverse
Creates a backwards-tape effect.
- Error Correction
Lets you select the default error correction method.
Linear Interpolation draws a straight line between the first and the last selected samples.
Optimal for Small Clicks – 1 ms is optimal to remove clicks smaller than 1 ms.
Optimal for Common Clicks – 3 ms is optimal to remove clicks smaller than 3 ms.
Waveform Replacement – 500 ms replaces the corrupt samples with the best match detected in the material up to 500 milliseconds to the left/right.
Waveform Replacement – 4 s replaces the corrupt samples with the best match detected in the material up to 4 seconds to the left/right.
Waveform Replacement – Left 6 s replaces the corrupt samples with the best match detected in the material up to 6 seconds to the left.
Waveform Replacement – Right 6 s replaces the corrupt samples with the best match detected in the material up to 6 seconds to the right.
- Tweaker
Opens the Loop Tweaker dialog where you can adjust the loop start and end points, and crossfade the loop boundaries.
- Tone Uniformizer
Opens the Loop Tone Uniformizer dialog where you can create loops from sounds that are not optimal for looping.
- Auto Split
Opens the Auto Split dialog where you can specify how to split clips.
- Invert Phase
Turns the signal upside down.
- Effect Morphing
Opens the Effect Morphing dialog, where you can gradually mix two audio ranges that have different effects/processing applied to them.
- External Tools
Allows you to execute and configure external tools.