File Browser Window

In this window, you can browse files and open them in WaveLab Pro.

  • To open the File Browser window, select Tool Windows > File Browser.

Back/Forward/Parent Directory

Allows you to navigate through the list and file hierarchy.


This menu allows you to select a file location to browse and lists the recently used locations.

Auto-Play Mode

Automatically starts playback of the selected file.

Play Selected Audio File

Plays the selected audio file.


If this button is activated, you can enter text in the search field.

File type list

Allows you to select which file type and file format to display.

Folder tree

Shows the folders that are available on your computer.

Favorite folders

You can add your favorite folders by dragging them from the folder tree. Each file type has its own favorite folder.

File list

Shows the following information about each file:

  • Name shows the name of the audio file.

  • Size shows the size of the audio file.

  • Type shows the file type of the audio file.

  • Date Modified shows the date on which the audio file was last saved.

  • Sample Rate shows the sample rate in Hz.

  • Bits shows the bit depth in bits. 32F means 32-bit float and 64F means 64-bit float.

  • Bit Rate shows the bit rate in kbps.

  • Length shows the length of the audio file.

  • Channels shows the number of channels.

Create Folder

Allows you to create a new folder. Right-click in the file list and select Create Folder.

Audio Regions

If the selected file contains region markers, the regions are displayed in the Audio Regions section. You can drag regions onto a track.