Fades and Crossfades
Fades allow you to gradually increase or decrease the volume at the start or at the end of audio events or audio clips, and to create smooth transitions.
You can create the following fades:
Fade ins/fade outs
Fade ins and fade outs allow you to gradually increase or decrease the volume of audio events or audio clips. Fade ins and fade outs can be either event-based or clip-based.
Event-based fades are calculated in real time when you play back audio events. You can create different fade curves for several events, even if they refer to the same audio clip.
NoteThe more event-based fades you apply, the more processing power is used.
Clip-based fades are applied to the audio clip. Events that refer to the same clip will have the same fades.
Crossfades allow you to create smooth transitions for consecutive audio events on the same track. Crossfades are always event-based.
Auto fades
Auto fades allow you to automatically apply short fade ins and fade outs to the events on specific audio tracks. You can also apply them globally on all audio tracks. This creates smooth transitions between events.