Where are the settings stored?
As you have seen, there are a large number of ways in which you can customize Cubase. While some of the settings you make are stored with each project, others are stored in separate preference files.
If you need to transfer your projects to another computer (e. g. in another studio), you can bring all your settings along by copying the desired preference files and installing them on the other computer.
It is a good idea to make a backup copy of your preference files once you have set things up the way you want! This way, if another Cubase user wants to use his or her personal settings when working on your computer, you can restore your own preferences afterwards.
On Windows, preference files are stored in the following location: “\Users\<user name>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\<program name>\”.
On Mac OS, preference files are stored in the following location: “/Library/Preferences/<program name>/” under your home directory.
On the Start menu, you will find a shortcut to this folder for easy access.
The full path is: “/Users/<user name>/Library/Preferences/<program name>/”.
The RAMpresets.xml file, which contains various presets settings (see below), is saved when exiting the program.
Program functions (e. g. crossfade) or configurations (e. g. panels) not used in the project will not be stored.