Back up Project Options Dialog
This dialog allows you to create a backup copy of your project.
To open the Back up Project Options dialog, select .
- Project Name
Allows you to change the name of the backed up project.
- Keep Current Project Active
Allows you to keep the current project active after clicking OK.
- Minimize Audio Files
Allows you to include only the audio file portions that are actually used in the project. This can significantly reduce the size of the project folder if you are using small sections of large files. It also means that you cannot use other parts of the audio files if you continue working with the project in its new folder.
- Freeze Edits
Allows you to freeze all edits and make all processing and applied effects permanent to each clip in the Pool.
- Remove Unused Files
Allows you to remove unused files and to back up only the files that are actually used.
- Do Not Back up Video
Allows you to exclude video clips on the video track or in the Pool of the current project.