It is absolutely crucial for any further editing that the hitpoints are set at the correct positions. Therefore, if the automatic hitpoint detection does not meet your expectations, you can edit hitpoints manually.
The audio event is opened in the Sample Editor and in the
Hitpoints section hitpoints are filtered by their peaks, by
their distance, or by their musical position.
In the Hitpoints section, activate the Edit
Hitpoints tool.
Move the mouse on the waveform display and click between two hitpoints.
The mouse pointer changes to a speaker icon and the tooltip Play back Slice is shown. The slice is played back from the beginning to the end.
To disable a hitpoint that you do not need, press Shift and click on the line that represents the hitpoint.
The mouse pointer changes to a cross icon and the tooltip Disable Hitpoint is shown. Disabled hitpoints are not taken into account for further operations.
Press Tab to navigate to the next slice.
To insert a hitpoint, press Alt and click at the position where you want to insert the hitpoint.
The mouse pointer changes to a draw icon and the tooltip Insert Hitpoint is shown.
To move a hitpoint, move the mouse pointer on the vertical line that represents the hitpoint, and drag to the left or to the right.
The mouse pointer changes to a double arrow and the tooltip Move Hitpoint is shown. Moved hitpoints are locked by default.
To make sure that a hitpoint is not accidentally filtered out, lock it by pointing at it and clicking.
The tooltip Lock Hitpoint is shown.
The hitpoints are edited according to your settings.
To reset a hitpoint to its original state, press Ctrl/Cmd-Alt until the tooltip Enable/Unlock Hitpoints is shown and click.