Master page editor

The master page editor allows you to view and change the format of the master pages.

You can open the master page editor in any of the following ways:

  • Double-click a page pair in the Master Pages section of the Pages panel.

  • Select a page pair in the Master Pages section of the Pages panel and click Edit Master Page .

You can customize master pages in the master page editor to suit your requirements, including inserting extra frames and editing/moving existing frames. You can also change the frame chains to which music frames are assigned, and change which flows and players are assigned to frames.


Tokens in text frames and music in music frames are automatically updated as appropriate for each layout. However, graphics frames can only show a single image in all layouts. If you change the image in a graphics frame in one layout, this updates the master page and affects all layouts.

Figure 1. A master page pair open in the master page editor