
Timecodes indicate an exact position in time, usually in the context of a video. They allow precise synchronization between multiple elements, such as music and moving images, and can be used as a reference tool.

Timecodes are displayed in the format hh:mm:ss:ff, which is two-digit hours, minutes, seconds, and frames.

Figure 1. A timecode on a timecode staff

In Dorico Pro, you can specify the type of timecode from the following types:

Non-drop frame timecodes

Each frame is numbered sequentially from the preceding one without skipping any frame numbers.

Non-drop frame timecodes are shown with the suffix fps and use a colon separator between seconds and frames, for example, 00:00:01:05.

Drop frame timecodes

Some frame numbers are skipped in order to accommodate the difference in frame rate between 29.97 fps and 30 fps. In every minute except every tenth minute, two timecode numbers are dropped from the frame count.

Drop frame timecodes are shown with the suffix dfps and use a semicolon separator between the seconds and frames, for example, 00:00:01;05.

Timecodes in Dorico Pro are flow-specific, meaning you can set timecodes for each flow that are completely independent of the timecodes for other flows. You can set timecodes in the Video Properties dialog, including for flows without a video.


The timecodes shown in flow cards in the Flows panel in Setup mode reflect the timecode at the start of the flow, which can be different to the timecode you set in the Video Properties dialog. For example, if you set the Timecode start to 02:00:00:00 but also set the Flow attachment position to 8 quarter note beats, and the tempo is 60 bpm, the timecode shown in the flow card is 01:59:52:00.

By default, timecodes appear in markers. You can show markers above/below the start of each system or below the timecode staff, if there is one, in each layout independently. You can also hide/show timecodes in markers.

Additionally, you can change the time displayed in the Transport window to be the timecode rather than elapsed time, which is shown by default.