You can hide/show the toolbar in any of the following ways:
Press Ctrl/Cmd-6.
The toolbar contains the following:
Selectable workspaces in the project window that represent different phases in the workflow of preparing a score. If the width of the main project window becomes sufficiently small, the mode buttons become a menu.
Workspace options
Provide options that allow you to select different layouts to open in the music area and to change the working environment.
Show Video
Hides/Shows the Video window.
Show Mixer
Hides/Shows the Mixer window.
Mini transport
Allows you quick access to the main transport functions, including Play, Record, and Click.
Show Transport Bar
Hides/Shows the Transport window, which contains playback and MIDI recording functions.
Allows you to undo previous actions.
Allows you to restore previous actions that were undone using Undo.