Results List

The results list shows the files found in the selected folder. It displays all files that HALion Sonic can read, such as VST presets, samples, or third-party sampler programs.

In addition to information like file name and path, the columns in the results list can be configured to show different attributes.

The results list also shows any subfolders of the selected folder, but it does not include the files contained in the subfolders themselves. To see the content of subfolders, you must select the corresponding subfolder.

  • To open a folder or location, double-click it in the results list.

You can limit the number of results in the results list using the text search function. This way, you can search for files with specific names, for example. For presets, the search also takes any attributes into account. The value field in the top right corner indicates the number of files that match the search text. To clear the search text, click Clear Filter Text.