Global Analysis
In WaveLab Cast, you can perform advanced analysis on your audio to identify areas with specific properties. This helps you find problem areas such as glitches or clipped samples. You can also check general information, such as the pitch of a sound.
If you analyze a section of an audio file, WaveLab Cast scans the section or the audio file and extracts information which is displayed in the dialog. WaveLab Cast also marks sections of the file that meet specific characteristics, for example, sections that are very loud or almost silent. You can then browse between these points, set markers, or zoom in on markers. On most of the tabs, you find settings that determine exactly how the analysis is performed. Each tab focuses on a particular analysis area.
You perform the global analysis in the Global Analysis dialog. This dialog consists of the following tabs that provide different analysis types:
The Peaks tab allows you to find individual samples with very high values.
The Loudness tab allows you to find sections with high intensity.
The Pitch tab allows you to find the exact pitch of a sound or section.
The Extra tab provides information about DC offsets and the significant bit depth.
The Errors tab allows you to find glitches and sections where the audio has been clipped.
Most of the analysis types provide a number of positions in the file that indicate peaks, glitches, etc. These points are called “hot points”.