FTP Settings Dialog
In the FTP Settings dialog, you can manage all required information for the RSS feed upload process.
To open the FTP Settings dialog, open the RSS Feed Editor, select the Edit tab, and click FTP Settings.

- Host
The host name or IP address of the FTP server.
- User Name
The login name to your FTP server.
- Password
The password to the login.
- Use Passive Mode
Keep this activated and only change this if you experience problems with the FTP connection.
- Feed File Name (with Path)
The RSS file name that is displayed on your FTP server (extension .xml), including the relative path. File name and path are part of the final public Internet address of the RSS feed, so you may want to avoid long names.
- Associated Web Site (URL)
Your own web site address including the path to the feed.
FTP Settings Example

Your FTP host address is “ftp.MyPage.com”, your public web site address is “www.MyPage.com”.
The feed file name setting is “podcasts/fantastic-cast.xml”, the associated web site setting is “www.MyPage.com/podcasts”.
The media files of the RSS feed will be uploaded to the FTP server at “ftp.MyPage.com/podcasts”.
The RSS feed file itself and the Internet address to be distributed will be found at “www.MyPage.com/podcasts/fantastic-cast.xml”.
Each RSS feed saves its own complete FTP site information. It is also possible to save and recall FTP site presets using the Preset functions at the bottom of the dialog.