Folder Structure

There are different types of subfolders that WaveLab Pro automatically creates inside a Watch Folder.

Output, Sources, Errors, Scheduled, and $TEMP$ are reserved for WaveLab Pro. You cannot create a subfolder with one of these names.


When you create a new batch process, this is the folder where processed files are written by default. You can change the output folder in the Output tab of each batch processor.


This is the folder where processed files are moved when they are successfully processed. For this, the corresponding option must be activated in the Watch Folder settings.


This is the folder where files that could not be processed are moved. For this, the corresponding option must be activated in the Watch Folder settings.


If you want to process some files only at a specific time, this is the folder where you must place the files. These files are only processed at the time that is specified in the Watch Folder settings.


This is a temporary folder that is created and deleted by WaveLab Pro during processing.