View Tab (Audio Montage)

  • In the Audio Montage, click View.



Navigates to the previous/next cursor position, zoom factor, and selection range.



Activates the Zoom tool, which allows you to define a time range that is zoomed in.


Opens a pop-up menu that allows you to adjust the zoom to display the selected time range. Zoom in 1:1 zooms in so that one pixel on the screen represents one sample.

You can edit the zoom factor by clicking Edit Zoom Factor. This opens the Zoom Factor dialog, where you can choose from the following options:

  • Set Time Range allows you to define the time range to be displayed.

  • Samples per Screen Point allows you to specify the number of audio samples encompassed by each screen point.

  • Screen Points per Sample allows you to specify the number of screen points that represent a single audio sample.

Zoom Selection

Zooms the window so that the current selection occupies the entire montage window.


Zooms in as far as possible.

View All

Zooms out as far as possible.

Display Whole Clip

Adjusts the view to display the active clip.

Zoom in Audio (10x)/Zoom out Audio (10x)

Zooms in/out in big steps.

Zoom in Audio/Zoom out Audio

Zooms in/out in small steps.

Zoom in Vertically/Zoom out Vertically

Zooms in/out to show waveforms at a lower/higher level.


Adjusts the zoom to only display samples below the selected dB value.

Reset Zoom to 0 dB

Adjusts the zoom to display audio levels up to 0 dB.


Move Cursor to Start of File/Move Cursor to End of File

Moves the cursor to the start/end of the file.

Previous Marker/Next Marker

Moves the cursor to the previous/next marker.

Start of Selection/End of Selection

Moves the cursor to the start/end of the selected time range.

Previous Region Edge/Next Region Edge

Moves the cursor to the previous/next region edge.

Edit Cursor Position

Opens the Cursor Position dialog, where you can edit the cursor position.

Previous Clip Edge/Next Clip Edge

Moves the cursor to the previous/next clip edge.



Displays the start/end of the audio without moving the cursor.

Start of Selection/End of Selection

Displays the start/end of the audio selection without moving the cursor.


Static View

Deactivates scrolling.

View Follows Cursor

Automatically scrolls the view to keep the playback cursor visible.

Scroll View

Automatically scrolls the view to keep the playback cursor centered.



If this option is activated, the markers of the source audio file are displayed in the clip, together with a ruler.


Allows you to assign a color to the active clip, to apply random colors to selected clips, or to reset the default clip colors.


Display More Tracks/Display Fewer Tracks

Allows you to change the number of tracks that are displayed in the montage window.

Focus on Previous Track/Focus on Next Track

Sets the focus on the previous/next track.


Allows you to take, recall, and edit snapshots.

Take Snapshot

Activates/Deactivates the snapshot function. If this option is activated, click on a preset button to save a snapshot.


The buttons 1, 2, and 3 allow you to save a snapshot of the scroll position, zoom factor, cursor position, audio selection, and clip selection. The rightmost preset button is a global preset that is available for all audio montages.


Allows you to select which settings are restored when applying a snapshot preset. The following options are available:

  • Scroll Position and Zoom

  • Cursor Position

  • Audio Selection

  • Clip Selection


Update Peak Files

Updates the peak files of the audio file.

Map Waveform to Level

If this option is activated, changes in the level envelope are reflected in the waveform.