K-System VU Meter Modes

K-System integrates standardized metering, monitor calibration, and level practices.

In WaveLab Pro, you can choose from three metering modes which all set the 0 dB VU point below the standard level meter. To fully utilize the K-System, you have to calibrate your monitor level, so that 0 VU equals 83 dB.

We recommend using a pink noise reference signal and a SPL level meter. Use C weighting (slow response), and adjust your playback level, so that your noise meter indicates 83 dB SPL per channel or 86 dB SPL when played on the two channels simultaneously.

The K-System has three meter operating modes (selectable from the VU-Meter pop-up in the Level/Pan Meter Settings dialog). These are intended for different uses:

  • K-System 20: This places 0 VU 20 dB lower than standard VU mode, and is intended for music with a very wide dynamic range, such as classical music.

  • K-System 14: This places 0 VU 14 dB lower than standard VU mode, and is intended for music with a slightly more compressed dynamic range, such as pop, R&B, and rock music.

  • K-System 12: This places 0 VU 12 dB lower than standard VU mode, and is intended for broadcasting applications.