Wavescope Settings

In the Wavescope Settings dialog, you can edit various color settings for the background, grid, and waveform display, and set the waveform rendering speed and vertical zoom.

  • To open the Wavescope Settings dialog, open the Wavescope window, and select Functions > Settings.


Lets you select colors for the waveform graphics.

Waveform Rendering Speed

Determines how much the waveform display is compressed.

If Same As Live Spectrogram is activated, the rendering speed of the Wavescope display has the same speed as the Live Spectrogram display.

Level Zoom

Determines the level zoom. Set a high value if the waveform has a low amplitude.

Clear Waveform when Reaching Right of Pane

If this option is activated, the waveform display is cleared each time the cursor reaches the right end of the display. If this option is deactivated, the new waveform overwrites the previous waveform.