Process Tempo Dialog
The Process Tempo dialog allows you to set a range to a specific length or to adjust its end time by automatic adjustment of the tempo track.
To open the Process Tempo dialog, activate Activate Tempo Track, select to open the Tempo Track Editor, and click Open Process Tempo Dialog.
The following options are available in the Bar Range section:
- Start at Bar
Shows the start time of the locator range in bars and beats.
- Finish at Bar
Shows the end time of the locator range in bars and beats.
The following options are available in the Alternative Time Format section:
- Time Display Format
Allows you to select the alternative time format.
- Start at Position
Shows the start time of the locator range in the selected time format.
- Finish at Position
Shows the end time of the locator range in the selected time format.
The following options are available in the New Range section:
- New End Position
Shows the end time of the new range in the selected time format.
- New Length
Shows the length of the new range in the selected time format.
- Equivalent Tempo Scaling
Shows the scaling value.
- Process
Applies the process.