Controller Display
To show the controller display, do one of the following:
Open the Controller Lane Setup pop-up menu in the Key Editor, the Drum Editor, or the In-Place Editor, and select Show/Hide Controller Lanes.
On the Key Editor or the Drum Editor toolbar, click Set up Window Layout, and activate Controller Lanes.
The following options are available:
Note display
Contains a grid in which MIDI notes are displayed as boxes.
Controller Selection and Functions menu
Allows you to select which controller type is displayed, and contains editing functions for controller lanes and events.
Drag the divider between the note display and the controller display to resize the display areas.
Controller display
Shows one or multiple controller lanes.
Controller events
The controller display shows the added controller events of the selected controller type and their current values. Controller events have no length. Their values are valid until the start of the next event.
Velocity values are shown as vertical bars, with higher bars corresponding to higher velocity values. Each velocity bar corresponds to a note in the note display.
All other controller events are shown as steps, with heights corresponding to the values of the events.
Create Controller Lane
Allows you to add controller lanes so that you can view and edit different controllers at the same time. Each controller lane can show one of the following properties or event types:
Poly Pressure
Program Change
SysEx (System Exclusive) events
Continuous Controllers
Controller Lane Setup
Contains setup functions for controller lanes, and allows you to add and organize presets.