Mapping Pages and Mapping Scopes
Mapping Pages
All mappings of Cubase functions and controls on your MIDI controller are saved on mapping pages. A MIDI controller can have different mapping pages for different purposes, but only one mapping page can be active. The active mapping page is shown in the lower zone.
Cubase comes with several scripts that include one or more factory pages with factory mappings. Neither the factory pages nor the factory mappings can be removed. However, you can use factory pages as a basis for your own user mappings. All mappings that you apply are saved as user mappings.
The Mapping Page Type column of the MIDI Remote Mapping Assistant indicates if a mapping is a user mapping or a factory mapping
Mapping Scopes
All factory mappings are automatically set to Global scope, that is, they are saved with the program. You cannot change the mapping scope for factory mappings.
All user mappings that you add by selecting a function in the Functions Browser are automatically set to Global scope.
All user mappings that you add by picking a Cubase function or by using it are considered ad hoc mappings, and therefore, automatically set to Project scope. The only exception are functions that can also be found in the Functions Browser. These are automatically set to Global scope.
For user mappings, you can change the mapping scope manually by selecting an option from the Mapping Scope menu in the Mapping Configuration section.