You can quantize multiple audio tracks at the same time.
- Select .
- Move all audio tracks that you want to quantize into the folder track.
Note The audio on all tracks must have the same start and end positions.
- Select the folder track and activate Group Editing in the track list.
- On the Project window toolbar, click Open Quantize Panel to open the Quantize Panel.
- Make your settings in the Slice Rules section of the Quantize Panel, and click Slice.
The audio events in the edit group are sliced.
- Make your settings in the quantize section of the Quantize Panel, and click Quantize.
The sliced events are quantized.
- Optional: to correct overlaps or gaps in the quantized audio, make your settings in the Crossfades section of the Quantize Panel, and click Crossfade.
The audio events are quantized.